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Titanium Tank - Titanium Tank. Cameron T30, PRV and PPT valid until January 2033. QSO, Tema fitting, new blue cover Jan 2023. Last inspected 12 May 2024. £2,700 ONO. (Mike Scholes +44 [0] 7989 321914 or mikescholes306@gmail.com
4 x Titanium 80ltr fuel cylinders - 4 x Titanium 80ltr fuel cylinders. £4000 each (Clive Bailey – 07970 407277 clive@baileyexclusive.co.uk)
2 Worthington Masters and 2 Worthington slave cylinders with current PRV’s - 2 Worthington Masters and 2 Worthington slave cylinders with current PRV’s. . £400 each (Peter Mossman – 01600 869186 ballooning@cushydingle.co.uk)
Cylinder Proof Pressure Testing - Cylinder Proof Pressure Testing (PPT) & PRV and valve servicing in the South East (Glen Everett – 07801 639489 glen@flyingadverts.co.uk)